
Veterans’ self-expression in poetry (Dale Tracy)

"Research shows that Veterans benefit from writing poetry for therapeutic purposes. This article suggests the need for future research that considers the effects of the artistic choices that Veterans make when using poetry to engage their experiences. The author focuses on one Veteran’s poem about what it means to write poetry as a Veteran. Brian Turner’s “Here, Bullet” comes from his poetry collection about his time as an American infantry team leader in Iraq. This poem centers on a solider whose body is in danger in a conflict setting. The poem becomes an alternative space to his body, a space in which he can work with his experiences. 

Treating Veterans’ poetry as art can help people working with Veterans in therapeutic settings learn more about what value Veterans find in reading and writing poetry. Research shows the positive effects of creative self-expression and, specifically, poetry therapy for Veterans, including Veterans experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder."

Our Path Mini-Documentary

Suicide awareness goes beyond just reading—it’s about seeing the faces behind the statistics. Photographer John Rizzo brings this reality to life, capturing the stories of an already at-risk population through his powerful imagery. 

Bills that could make a major impact on the lives of veterans that were introduced without follow-through, so far.

"The Effect of Creative Arts Therapy For Veterans: A Comparison Between In-Person and Hybrid-Based Therapy"

"Serving Those Who Have Served: Creative Arts for Veterans"

"Nature versus urban hiking for Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder: A pilot randomized trial conducted in the Pacific Northwest USA"

"Understanding the Transitional Needs of Servicemembers to Veterans: A focus on mental, social, and behavioral health."
MarieAnn C. Raguso. 2024. Doctoral dissertation. Nova Southeastern University. Retrieved from NSUWorks, Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice. (657) 

About 17.5 veterans commit suicide a day. This is an increase from 6,000 veterans in 2001 to 6,392 veterans reported and registered with the VA; a 6.53% increase. 

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2023). National veteran suicide prevention: annual report. VA Suicide Prevention, Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. 

About 0.9 current servicemembers commit suicide a day; nearly a servicemember a day. This is a 191.4% increase from 174 servicemembers in 2002 to 333 servicemembers in 2022.

Defense Casualty Analysis System. (2023). U.S. Active Duty Military deaths by year and manner. Defense Manpower Data Center. 

At least 107,400 individuals incarcerated are veterans. That is about 17.69% of all inmates. This rate does NOT include active duty members who are incarcerated at this time.

Maruschak, L. M., Bronson, J., & Alper, M. (2021). Veterans in prison: Survey of prison inmates, 2016. (NCJ Publication No. 252646). U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Statistics. 

Approximately 40,000 veterans and active servicemembers are currently homeless.

Tsai, J., & Rosenheck, R. A. (2015). Risk factors for homelessness among US Veterans. Epidemiol Review 37, 177–195. 

Why is a risk of incarceration, suicide, and homeless an issue? Because the claim process is greatly flawed and leads to a lack of financial stability after service, especially for those suffering from re-assimilating back into society.

Ho, D. E., Handan-Nader, C., Ames, D., & Marcus, D. (2019). Quality review of mass adjudication: Randomized natural experiment at the board of veterans appeals, 2003-16. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 35(2), 239-288. 


Veterans are sometimes censored, so advocacy is on the rise. Veterans are also under-reported for incarceration, homelessness, and suicide rates. Advocacy groups like ours and like the Disabled Veterans Organization are challenging this.

Krause, B. (2010-2023). Articles. Armo Press, LLC. 


New York State legislation is leading the way in restoring VA benefits for those who were discharged other-than-honorable. "In 2019, the Restoration of Honor Act was signed into law in New York State. The Restoration of Honor Act authorizes DVS to restore access to State Veterans Benefits to Veterans who have an Other-Than-Honorable Discharge (OTH) or a General Under Honorable Conditions Discharge due to certain conditions."

New York State. (2019). Restoration of Discharge Act. New York State Department of Veterans' Services. 

How much money can you actually make if you are considered unemployable by the VA?

According to the VA Claims Insider's article, "VA Unemployability Income Limits 2024" it depends on your house size. 

Who state:

2024 TDIU Income Limits (Projected)

One person (unrelated individual): $16,722

Under 65 years: $17,115

65 years and over: $15,778

Again, these are only projections and are based on a 3.2% increase.